
Publish your hero

First, make sure that you’re logged in to HeroKit. Once you’re done with all edits to your Hero, click the publish button to open the publishing panel. Click on “Publish Hero”.


Copy embed code

The first time you publish, HeroKit will generate a unique embed code for your hero. Under “Embed on your site” select “Component”, then click on “Copy to Clipboard”


Site builder

<aside> 💡 HeroKit works with any site builder that supports custom code embeds. This feature has many different names but the most common ones are “code embed”, “HTML embed”, “embed block” and “iFrame” — or some variation between them.



Many Wordpress websites are built using a custom theme. Most of the themes have their own site builder interface and features. In general, try to look for a block or element that can embed custom code for HeroKit to work successfully.

Some Wordpress themes rely on the Iframe plugin to be able to include custom embeds. When using this plugin, make sure you use the Public Link as the source of the iframe.

Related chapters

Publishing your Hero

Unpublishing your Hero

Or learn how to embed using a different site builder



Wix Studio

